
I believe Beauty is powerful and transformative when used as a vector to connect and reflect one’s inner and outer selves, resulting in an ordered life + radiating back to the world one’s true and best versions

My mission is to give you powerful tools and autonomy to bring to light 💡 your true image and order your life through Beauty.


Color Analysis

Image Strategy

Face Map

About Me

Hi! My name is Carolina King, I’m originally from Brazil and live in Oklahoma, USA. I’m a Certified Color and Image Strategist.

"I started this business to share with as many women as I can the transformative tools that have brought order and joy to my own life."

My vision is to equip as many women as I can with life-changing personalized, insightful and holistic image strategy services that go beyond superficial beauty standards and empower you with the self-knowledge and autonomy to make your own decision informed curations to truly connect your inner and outer selves.  +++

Ready to get started?
